
Are you adequately protected from cyber threat? Let’s find out the state of your security today. Get an obligation free discussion on what to do next based on your assessment!

In this assessment, you will be asked to choose the option that best matches your current condition. Select ‘Yes’ if you practice it, and ‘No’ if you don’t. Your Essential Eight Maturity Level will be determined based on your answers.
Please fill out the form, as we are going to send the result to your email.

    q-1 patch applications

    Patch Applications

    Implement these to protect your organisation from cyber threats and maintain low vulnerabilities in your network.

    q-1 patch applications

    Patch Operating Systems

    Implement these to prevent security vulnerabilities in your organisation's network.

    q-1 patch applications

    Multi-Factor Authentication

    Implement these to add an extra layer of security by making it harder for attackers to gain access to your organisation's network.

    q-1 patch applications

    Restrict Administrative Privileges

    Implement these to minimise potential damage if an account is compromised.

    q-1 patch applications

    Application Control

    Implement these to prevent the execution of unapproved/malicious programs and installers that can compromise your organisation.

    q-1 patch applications

    Restrict Microsoft Office Macros

    Implement these to prevent malware instalment that comes from macros.

    q-1 patch applications

    User Application Hardening

    Implement these to prevent malware attacks on your organisation's network.

    q-1 patch applications

    Regular Backups

    Implement this to keep your organisation's data safe, which can be restored in case of ransomware incidents or hardware failures.
